Siiiinging in my head, just siiiiinging in my head!


I spend a lot of time in the pool.  I also spend a lot of time on my bike.  And for a little change of pace, I spend a lot of time in my running shoes.  I do not, however, spend a lot of time with my iPod.  All of my training sessions, with the exception of trainer rides, take place without any music at all.

This is totally fine with me—I prefer to listen to my body and to the outside noises as I train.  But I’ve realized something kinda funny in the past few weeks.  Anytime I’m doing a long-ish run and during any swim or bike, I sing to myself in my head.  I never consciously try to find a song.  It always just kinda.. happens.  Just like that.  One moment I’m thinking about my cadence, the next I’m belting out show tunes.

Last weekend, Alisia and I went on a two hour ride down Parmer.  About 30 minutes in to the ride, Mambo Number 5 enters my brain, and it does not leave for the next hour and a half.  Really, self?  Mambo Number 5??  I’m not even mad… that’s amazing.

Mambo No. 5

Thanks for the sweet song, Lou Bega!

Yesterday I was doing hill repeats and saw a cute little bunny hop into the trees.  So what song do I sing to myself?  Little Bunny Foo Foo.  It takes me a while to remember all the words, but once I do, it’s on replay in my head.  And I realize that that song doesn’t make any sense.  Why was he bopping the field mice on the head?  And where did the good fairy come from?

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Little Bunny Foo Foo was kind of a jerk, huh?

There have been a plethora of songs over the last few weeks—Sister Christian, The Motto, The Nightmare Before Christmas opening song, Valerie—never any rhyme or reason, but there they are just the same.  It’s actually kinda fun for me to see what song I think of.  I’m still impressed by Mambo Number 5.  I think I’ll go ahead and download that on iTunes, if it’s available.

Does this happen to anyone else?  Maybe I’m just weird.  Or this is the universe’s way of telling me that I missed out on my true calling of performing on Broadway.  Or as a cast member of Glee.

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