Tag Archives: The Stick

That Sh*t Hurts!


I’ve got 4 weeks until my last triathlon event of the year—the Kerrville Half Ironman on September 29th.  It’s been a looooooong triathlon season (at least it feels that way) so I’m very much looking forward to both doing this tri (I’ve heard great things) and to being in off-season.  But, I’m mostly looking forward to being done because lo-and-behold, I’ve got another running injury.  Surprise, surprise.

Racked and Ready

Racked and Ready for Ironman San Juan 70.3 in March!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had knee problems, hip flexor problems, and the ever-present tight calf and Achilles tendon problems.  Now, the pain has moved into my right ankle.  And it is 0% fun.  It started about a month ago, with just a dull pain when I ran.  Then it turned into to sharp pain when running and an even sharper one when I was done.  It hurt to walk, bike, push off the wall when I was swimming, all that jazz.  I was scared it was something bone-related and kept waiting for it to snap when I was running.

Luckily, that didn’t happen.  But it worried me enough to go see a chiropractor/ART specialist about the problem.  Turns out my calves are ridiculously tight (no surprise there) and that some scar tissue and stuff is making the nerve on the outside of my leg get caught and go haywire.  It’s progressively getting better, which I attribute to the doc, the stretching and TriggerPoint-ing they taught me, and Kellen Stick-ing my calves.  It still hurts, but I’m hoping by the time Kerrville rolls around it feels like it’s not even there.  Time will tell…

Trigger Point

Trigger Point Kit – It hurts so good

The Stick

The Stick

There’s no real point to this story other than a PSA to my fellow triathletes (or anyone really) to NOT put your foam rolling, Trigger Pointing, stretching, and other recovering activities on the back burner, because it will probably come to bite you in the bum.  Been there, done that.. three times now.  Maybe I’ll learn my lesson this time..